.:: J E S S T U F F . L I N K S ::.
Here's some links to the sites I'll be posting my latest works Aqui tiene mis links de los sitios en donde muestro mis más recientes trabajos
D e v i a n t a r t | http://jesonite.deviantart.com/ | F u r a f f i n i t y | http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jeso/| S h e e z y A r t | http://jesonite.sheezyart.com/ | V C L | http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Jeso/ | S i d e 7 |http://www.side7.com/art/jeso/gallery.html | M y s p a c e | http://www.myspace.com/jesonite | L e g o |http://factory.lego.com/gallery/?parameters=2||17cc59d9-aea2-473a-9094-7ecebcf2ba7f | .......................................................................................................................
S o u n d l i f t | http://www.soundlift.com/band/music.php?id=92988 | Y o u t u b e | http://mx.youtube.com/user/jesonite | .......................................................................................................................
V i l l a . O k a m i . S k e t c h b l o g | http://villaokamijeso.blogspot.com/ | .......................................................................................................................
H a v e . a . n i c e .V i s i t ! - D i s f r u t e n . l a . v i s i t a ! ..........:: J E S O ::.